Wild Rose Classes & Certifications
Join Chelsea Gibson's worldwide network of certified practitioners, offering a spectrum of healing techniques and modalities. Upon completing any of the courses listed below, you'll earn your certification and be a certified practitioner.
Explore our in-person certifications now available in Picton, ON!
Interested in hosting a class in your city? Contact us now.
Usui and Kaurna/ Holy Fire Reiki Levels 1,2,3,
Masters and Teacher
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and channeling the Reiki energy to the client.
Wild Rose Wellness has been teaching Reiki to people of all backgrounds, religions, spritual beliefs, ages and genders. These courses will empower you to use your intuition and parctice Reiki in your own unique way. This is your Reiki practice and should be created and generated through nurturing and kindness so you can share your gifts and apacities in your own way with the world.
Chelsea teaches Reiki Level 1-3 certifications and the Master Teacher training as well.

Prince George, BC, Canada
The foundation course and Chelsea changed my life. I had a really bad day, I came home, freaked out and balled for about 10 minutes. If this happened 3 weeks ago I would have been in the biggest slump for about a 2 weeks. Nothing would help. I was able to pick my self up in the matter of an hour and turn my mood around. I was able to use the tools I learned in that class, and they actually worked. (Not like I didn't think they would, but it just took me by surprise). In the 5 years of suffering from depression I've never ever been able to do change my mood so quickly. I did the entities clearing and everything just changed. Literally felt like some demon was leaving my body, and shit that was a good feeling.
Some days I can barely hold my happiness in. I feel like fucking exploding with happiness to everyone around me. (Which usually I do anyways).
A year ago I would have never ever thought I could overcome one of my "depressive episodes". Never would I have thought that my life could change in a 4 day course.
But most importantly my life changed because of YOU!:) I don't know if this is much of a testimony but more of a thank the fucking universe that you are in my life and that I met you. You have no idea how fucked up and damaged I felt from all the counsellors, and 90% of the people around me telling me I was. Thank you so much for being you and making me realize I am perfectly normal, and giving me life skills that no college or university could. Thank you so much.
Clearing Negativity
Negativity is the expression of criticism, could you imagine having ease with negative people and environments?
Since we were children, our bodies continually experience trauma and negativity over and over, locking the energy in our bodies. The constant state of negativity being projected at us throughout our lives overloads the bodies circuits and your body’s capacity to deal with it. Join Chelsea Gibson- two time International best selling author of a New Day Dawns: Breaking Up with Abuse- for a workshop to clear you of negativity locked in your body and energy centres. You receive access to a whole new way of being beyond trauma and negativity.
It's a 3 hour class inviting you to be you beyond negativity and to be the light you came here to be even when around negative people or environments. It has a manual with tools, 1.5 lesson with coaching and guided healing meditation. You also learn an Energy Process that takes out where we have mimicked others negativity, it's amazing for people who are really aware and sensitive and seem to feel others pains and emotions! You'll receive a full certification as a practitioner!

Meet Chelsea Gibson
Healer. Coach. Author
Wild Rose Wellness is operated by Chelsea Gibson, a certified facilitator, Certified Life Skills Coach and International Best Selling Author.
Chelsea Gibson is a highly sensitive person (HSP) and spiritually gifted. Wild Rose Wellness is a dynamic business that includes private sessions of coaching and hands on treatments, self development classes, certifications and meditations!